Welcome to Halla Electronics Vina Company Limited! No.1 Quality in Die casting field

Global Conflict Minerals Policy

Cập nhật: 31-03-2023 09:00:06 | Đối tác | Lượt xem: 1655

Proceeds from the mining of certain minerals in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and countries
adjoining it have been linked to human rights abuses through the funding of illegal armed groups.

Proceeds from the mining of certain minerals in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and countries
adjoining it have been linked to human rights abuses through the funding of illegal armed groups. In
accordance with the DoddFrank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the United States
Securities and Exchange (SEC) Commission requires publicly traded companies to report on the origin of
these conflict minerals. This policy aligns with Halla's mission of serving those linked to the land and the
promotion of human flourishing worldwide. It is consistent with our Code of Business Conduct, which voices
the company's strong commitment to ethical business principles.
Conflict minerals are defined as columbite-tantalite, cassiterite, gold, wolframite, and their derivatives
tantalum, tin, and tungsten. This list may change since conflict minerals are also any mineral or its
derivatives that the U.S. Secretary of State determines are financing conflict in the DRC or its adjoining
DRC adjoining countries are the following countries bordering the DRC: Angola, Burundi, Central African
Republic, Congo Republic, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.
DRC conflict free is defined as parts or components that do not contain conflict minerals necessary to the
functionality or production of the product that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in the
DRC or DRC adjoining countries. Conflict minerals obtained from recycled or scrap sources are considered
DRC conflict free.
Conflict minerals obtained from recycled or scrap sources are defined as conflict minerals obtained
from recycled metals. These recycled metals are reclaimed end-user or postconsumer products or scrap
processed metals created during product manufacturing. Recycled metals include excess, obsolete,
defective and scrap metal materials containing refined or processed metals that are appropriate to recycle
in the production of tin, tantalum, tungsten or gold. Minerals partially processed, unprocessed or a bi-
product from another ore are not included in this definition.
The company is committed to conducting its worldwide business operations in a manner that complies with
applicable laws and regulations regarding conflict minerals. To comply with these requirements Halla
business operations will:
- Inform direct suppliers about this Conflict Minerals Policy and its relationship to the company's
Supplier Code of Conduct.
- Work with its direct suppliers and sub-suppliers to understand the chain of custody for conflict minerals
at least to the smelter or refiner level.
- Take measures to source parts and components from its direct suppliers and sub-suppliers that are
DRC conflict free. These measures will include adopting, disseminating and incorporating this policy in
related purchase orders, contracts and other appropriate agreements with suppliers as they are entered,
revised or renegotiated.
- Work with direct suppliers to track and improve their performance in sourcing minerals from their
suppliers and sub-suppliers that are validated as being DRC conflict free in accordance with a national or
internationally recognized due diligence framework.
The following requirements must be met by Halla suppliers:
- Assist Halla's compliance with the SEC regulations related to conflict minerals and provide all
necessary declarations.


- Undertake reasonable due diligence within their supply chain to determine the chain of custody and
origin of the conflict minerals. Due diligence includes developing policies and management systems to
use DRC conflict free minerals, including making these requirements apply to their direct suppliers and
sub-tier suppliers and requiring them to do the same with lower tiers of suppliers
- Take measures to purchase parts, components or materials from their direct suppliers and sub-tier
who source minerals for their products from smelters or refiners validated as being DRC conflict free in
accordance with a nationally or internationally recognized due diligence framework.
- Comply with information requests on the source and origin of conflict minerals in the parts, components
or materials provided to Halla. Chain of custody data shall be maintained for five years and be provided to
Halla upon request.
This policy applies to Halla's global business operations. Employees whose responsibilities relate to the
supply or sourcing of parts, components, and materials should be informed and are expected to comply
with these requirements and associated legislation or regulation.
Halla will work with its suppliers to seek remedies for non-compliance with this policy. These remedies
may include suspension or discontinuing engagement with the supplier.
Violations or potential violations of this policy should be reported by employees to your supervisor, unit
management or the Center for Global Business Conduct.
General questions from employees and suppliers about conflict minerals and this policy should be
directed to Halla’s Manager of Compliance in Supply Management.
Contact to Halla for questions or concerns regarding compliance with this policy.
Questions may be addressed to:
- Halla Electronics Vina
- LOT L4, Trang Due IP, An Duong, Hai Phong
- Phone: 02252299798
- Mail: Sale@hallavina.vn

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